How can we become successful in life?

Iqra Ghafoor
3 min readSep 17, 2022


Everybody on the planet aspires to achieve something in life. Someone may aspire to be a dancer, musician, singer, environmentalist, banker, officer, or another profession. The options differ depending on the person. It’s simple to fantasize about and see ourselves as successful in life, but getting there is a difficult process. There are many successful people in the world, but every one of them has put in a tremendous amount of effort and dedication to achieve their goals.

It’s easy to become successful in life if you follow these rules:

Do that thing which you like. Always do that thing which makes you shinny. Just listen to yourself. Don’t listen to those people who demotivate you, who discourage you, who made fun of your goals, your thoughts, and even your decisions.

If you want to become successful in your life then live like a deaf. Always set your goals and strictly followed the plans which you have made. Don’t allow anyone to change your mind, goals, and your passion. Life is yours, not the others. Live your life with your method.

Always take your life decision carefully, once you make a decision then make it right. Just believe in yourself, work hard, and always stay focused. No one has the power to distract you to achieve your goals, once you decided that you want to become successful in your life and feel proud of your parents.

No one can stop you to achieve your goals. Just make up your mind today and start working on it. I am sure one day you become successful in your life.

If you plan something in your life like you want to become an officer. Then discuss this plan with those people who appreciate you not discourage you. Friends play a great role in your life. In this fake world, meeting a real friend is such a great blessing. Real friends always motivate you and appreciate your decision.

They don’t make fun of you and your goals. But if you do not have such type of friend, then it’s really bad. Stay away from these types of friends who demotivate you, disrespect you, and make fun of your goals. Stay away I said stay away and leave these types of friends. It’s better than living alone.

Motivation and courage play an important role in the way of success. So always motivate yourself. Stay focused and work hard. Don’t fool yourself because success always comes from hard work. Be confident and believe in yourself.

Successful people are not gifted, they just work hard, then succeed on purpose.



Iqra Ghafoor

Hey,I am Iqra.I am a passionate writer and reader. I love to write about everything.